Scientific publications

Doctoral thesis:
Towards a purposeful construction of a new generation of artificial reefs : Comparative analyses of the intrinsic factors favouring their colonization from micro to macro-scale” by Dr. Riera, Elisabeth, 2020
Doctoral thesis supervised by Patrice Francour and Cédric Hubas
Environmental sciences, University of Côte d'Azur

Scientific publications:
-Riera E, Lamy D, Goulard C, Francour P, Hubas C (2018) Biofilm monitoring as a tool to assess the efficiency of artificial reefs as substrates: toward 3D printed reefs. Ecological Engineering 120:230–237.

-Riera E, Hubas C, Ungermann M, Rigot G, Pey A, Francour P, Rossi F (2023) Artificial reef effectiveness changes among types as revealed by underwater hyperspectral imagery. Restoration Ecology 31:8.

-Allemand D, Debernardi, E, Seaman W (2000) Artificial reefs in the Principality of Monaco: Protection and enhancement of coastal zones. In Artificial Reefs in European Seas; Kluver Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands,; pp. 151–166.

Riera E, Mauroy M, Francour P, Hubas C (2023) Unleashing The Potential Of Artificial Reefs Design: A Purpose-Driven Evaluation Of Structural Complexity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Manuscript ID MEE-23-11-676)